Niruthya Kalanjali Academy of Fine Arts is a dance school, primarily focused in teaching and presenting the Indian Classical dance form, Bharathanatyam. It has witnessed the growth of many hundreds of students, and has successfully completed Arangetrams for thirteen artists.
This family began with its Founder, Artistic Director, Producer and Choreographer, “Natya Ratna” Smt. Nirothini Pararajasingam. An accomplished dancer and excellent teacher, she believes in promoting the Indian culture through Bharathanatyam. This interest and passion that began when she was a student, later led to a diploma for Bharatanatyam from the Institute of Bharathachoodamani in Madras, India, a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics from Madras University, and has grown into a school of dance, art, guidance, and culture, in Toronto, Canada.